Sunday, November 26, 2006

Malacca Trip

Its was a hasty trip with haze in Singapore. So thought of going over to Malaysia for a short relaxing trip. Wanted to go to Kuala Lumpur but afraid of the haze which I heard was pretty bad. So instead we opt for Malacca. After booking our hotel accommodation, I was told the haze would be worst in Malacca. So together with my parents, my family and small Chris and Felicia, we drove our red "Matrix" and the Electric Blue Mini to Malacca.
Fortunately after arriving in Malacca, the haze wasn't that bad.

After a heavy breakfast, small Chris was hungry again after some time, so we decided to try the "Round ball chicken rice stall" where the rice are in a form of small round balls. Looking at the queue for this Chicken rice stall in this picture, I am sure you will think the food over there would be fabulous !

So we managed to get a table and order our food, one of their specialty was the Assam Fish and their chicken rice. And the food is excellent ... highly recommended ... ++++

During this whole trip, we were eating, shopping, sleeping, eating, shopping, shopping .......

Of course there were trishaw riding ...................and some nostalgic interesting scenery viewing.

Do not doubt small chris's mini, it can become a very large luggage space when he put his back seats with all his shopping goodies ....

Of course there is this "Patrick" toy (from SpongeBob Square pants character) with "his add on" Adidas shoes ... that's Russell's creation.

We had great fun !!! .... If you guys and gals have time, you should go and have a look at Malacca...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Russell's first ride ..........

It was a Sunday, and an outing to the beach... making sand castles, picking sea shells.... Russell is showing his sea shell which he has just picked up .....

Russell has Colin ( his cousin) to play with on the beach.

With my help, they managed to built a nice sand castle with "river water? flowing around the castle and a bridge leading to the castle.

After bought Russell's bicycle for a year, he decided to started
riding when he saw Natalie rode his bicycle. Natalie is my niece whom is 1 year older than Russell.
So as Russell started riding his bicycle.

I can see the potential in him to be a good bicycle rider, just like me( see below picture).

One day, he can also be like me ....;-)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Rena's birthday - at Sentosa

Its was a Saturday afternoon, driving my car with my family to Sentosa. Lotsa of familar places as I passes through Sentosa. At Sentoda Golf club, asked the car park attendant, " Where is Ll Lido restaurant?' He reply with an answer : I don't know, I think Lido cinema is at Shaw Tower". So we decided to ignore his reply and proceed with our search.

We were early so apparently went to the Sentosa Hotel instead as "someone" mentioned Sentosa Golf Club and SPA. So I followed the Spa word. Was at Sentosa looking around, went to their toilet. Nice I must say, cooler than outside as it was airconditioned!!! *Whew!*

Finally we manage to get to Ll Lido at Sentosa Golf Club, they have one of the most specticular view !~ They also provide one of the best service I have encountered in Singapore! And also one of the worst golf T off at hole number 9 by someone whom I do not know.

Of course everyone brought out their fantastic digital cameras and show off, snapping around. Philo got a very nice looking Sony T5 , Eugene's had a Canon 800 and 4 x zooms ! Of course my is just the normal Canon Ixus which was replaced free due to my old camera which was had a damage lens. But the best is the best camera ( Eugene) has only a 64mb memory card which he can only take a few shots..... After that, he was being nag till non stop....

So after lunch, we proceed to KM8 where Jeremy and Alvin's families join us. I was wondering, why they called KM8, what I gathered from Eugene's info was that it was exactly 8 Kilometres away from Liquid Room whom the boss owns both these joints. Luckily it was not called CM 8000, CM-centimetres. *Phew!*

As you can see below, Eugene caught with pants down !!!!

Where we continue to have beer, and the kids playing sand. Then followed by soccer , kids vs adults ..

As usual, this couple is getting intimate again without knowing that I manage to snap them in action.

It was a great outing !!!!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Christmas 2005 party

Christmas Party 2005

This year 2005, we had a Christmas party at Eugene's cafe. Its been yearly event for all our friends.

Then there came the Batman and Robin to save the day !

Of course there come his "favourite uncle" with very natural smiles....

Some of our friends in the making of the TV comedy series " FRIENDS", Singapore version ......

Science Centre trip since 10 years ago

The adventure begins ............................

So together with my niece, nephew and Russell decide to go on a expedition to go back time 70 million years ago, they decided to take the helicopter time-machine.

After travelling so far, Russell finally found a dinosaur fossil and started digging....

Finally the expedition completed, the dinosaur fossil is being exhibition at Singapore Science Centre ..............

This is Russell's favourite dinosaur, do you know what is this dinosaur call? Then let me enlighten you, its call the Triceratops! They have 3 horns on their head.

This is Angie's favourite dinosaur, it is called the Tyrannosaurus or rather most people known it was T Rex ! ..

Although its in a form of a skeleton, that the best picture I could get unless I am 70 million years old which I might get a real picture without getting eating up!