Sunday, August 13, 2006

Russell's first ride ..........

It was a Sunday, and an outing to the beach... making sand castles, picking sea shells.... Russell is showing his sea shell which he has just picked up .....

Russell has Colin ( his cousin) to play with on the beach.

With my help, they managed to built a nice sand castle with "river water? flowing around the castle and a bridge leading to the castle.

After bought Russell's bicycle for a year, he decided to started
riding when he saw Natalie rode his bicycle. Natalie is my niece whom is 1 year older than Russell.
So as Russell started riding his bicycle.

I can see the potential in him to be a good bicycle rider, just like me( see below picture).

One day, he can also be like me ....;-)

1 comment:

pillo said...

"River" water around castle is called a "Moat" - getting updated well done! You should use this as a journal tracing the journey of your number 2! That'll be FUN